1 Euro Story – Can 1 Euro be more valuable than 2 Euros?

Yes, it can. Hard to believe, but it can.
When exactly?

When we differentiate intelligence from wisdom, reacting from responding. When we understand and control our impulses and have the power of analysis even in uncomfortable situations.

Let me tell you a short story, the 1 Euro story.

In an elementary school in grade 1, there was a little boy whom everyone laughed at. He was little, and the bigger kids made fun of him. Right from the first day, the other kids started to make jokes.

They made fun of him every day and called him the class fool. They offered him two coins: a 1 Euro coin and a 2 Euro coin. They would ask him which one he wanted, and whichever one he chose, he would get to keep the coin.

The boy always chose the 1 Euro coin, and the kids around him always had fun at his expense. Time passed, and every day the same story. The boy always chose the 1 Euro coin for the amusement of the others.

After about three months, around Christmas time, one of the teachers, Mr Johnson, who noticed this game took the boy next to him and asked him: Dear, don’t you know the coins yet? Let me explain. A 2 Euro coin is more valuable than a 1 Euro coin. Next time choose the 2 Euro because you can buy more.

The boy took a moment, looked at the teacher, smiled, and said.
Mr. Johnson, I know the value of coins very well. But what do you think? Would I have been able to get 1 Euro every day if I had chosen the 2 Euro coin first?

This story showed me the importance of wisdom and the ability to make decisions in difficult situations with high stakes.

When you make the difference between intelligence and wisdom, between reacting and responding, when you understand and control your impulses, 1 Euro has a whole new value.

What do you think now? Did you like the 1 Euro story?

Can 1 Euro be more valuable than 2 Euros? 

Can you think and share with me in which area of your life you consciously choose the 1 Euro coin?

If you want to learn more, I’ll tell you that resilience is part of the NLP Practitioner course held in English in Munich / München. There, emotional intelligence is explained and rehearsed for one whole weekend, with numerous practical examples, to understand when you can use it most efficiently.

Like in this 1 Euro story.

Additionally, if you’re interested in how the mind works, NLP neuro-linguistic programming, Coaching or communicationdrop me a line, and I’ll tell you more. Also, if you want to do a private coaching session in nature, feel free to read about my other project where you become one with the mountains, here!

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