How to communicate better or go from being perceived as a flatterer to an appreciated person with a single word?

Having two children, I am telling you as I am telling my family: in a world of programmers and IT specialists, everybody should prioritize communication and how to communicate better. Because too much of our time is spent behind screens and spending too much time online, we have forgotten or perhaps not even learned how to build healthy social relationships.

Being an IT specialist at the core, a programmer, and living for ten years in Munich, I can tell you that I know how important it is to understand how to communicate better, or more precisely, what it is like not to know how to communicate.

NLP has meant a massive leap in communication. Just as to write the correct code and have the expected results every time, if you know how to use the right words in the proper order, with the suitable tone, and in the right context, you will have the desired results.

Few people know how to communicate correctly, use the right words in the proper context, or at the next level to put themselves in the other person’s shoes, at least for a few moments.

Unfortunately, this lack of understanding of the optimal way of communication causes misunderstandings and, in most cases, ends up with the breaking of relationships.

First, I’ll ask you: do you know the difference between a flatterer and a sincere man?

Many people compliment you, but why do you believe only some of them? Or even in your case. Did it happen to make compliments, and the other not to believe you?

I’ll tell you the secret or the hidden formula that should be used every time you make a compliment.

Want to know it?
If so, read on.

When making a compliment, the most important thing is to use one word: BECAUSE.

Why because?
If you tell someone they’re intelligent and clever, they tend not to believe you.
But suppose you exemplify and say that you are smart and intelligent BECAUSE you solved XYZ situation in record time. In that case, the person next to you will believe and appreciate your comment because you explained yourself.

Another example:
What feedback do you get after telling a woman she’s beautiful?
Usually a smile and that’s it. They are all used to that.
But what if you tell her she’s beautiful because she radiates a feeling of confidence and isn’t afraid to be herself?
Or is she beautiful because she’s very original in her clothing, and by doing so, she accentuates her naturality?

You know what I mean?
In which of the two examples do you think you would be perceived as authentic?

As an NLP trainer, I invite you to the NLP Practitioner course in English in Munich. You will learn, among many other things, about verbal, nonverbal, and paraverbal language, and in the end, you will learn how to communicate better.

Just as I have described here, you will learn how one word can change other people’s perception of you and how another word can instantly change your emotional state.

You will learn the power of the eyes, which is the part of the body that always tells the truth so that you can instantly detect whether a person is lying to you.

I know you’ve thought about it, but I’m telling you it’s not that part! 😉

Consider the main difference between those in management and those in subordinate positions.
Think what’s the main difference between those who have a happy relationship and those who are always fighting.
Think about the main difference between a peaceful family and a dysfunctional one.

Is it worth giving more importance to communication? Is it worth understanding how to communicate better?

Because you read until here, I will give you another word that will provide you with more influence. In communication, or to communicate better, always address the other person by their name …


our brain is designed to process sound by filtering out unimportant noise and focusing on what matters most. One of the key sounds it prioritizes is our name. That’s why, even in a crowded, noisy environment, you will pick out the sound of your name being called from across the room. Our brain is tuned to recognize it.

Additionally, using someone’s name, whether an colleafue, an employee or a customer, shows that you value them. It also leaves a positive impression. So, next time you’re trying to make a connection, try mentioning their name in conversation. To them, it’s one of the most pleasant sounds they can hear.

Did you notice what I just did?
Did you notice the use of the word BECAUSE?

Come to the NLP course, and I guarantee your life will change by improving communication: a better job, a fulfilling relationship, or inner balance.

In the end, you will receive a certification accredited by the DVNLP, certifying your new and valuable knowledge.

If you still want a specialist opinion to get a new perspective in Coaching, please write to me privately. Additionally, if you want to read about my other project where you become one with the mountains, you can do it here!

See you there!

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