business plan financial prosperity

Business Plan - Financial Prosperity

You are in the right place!

Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or an experienced professional, preparing a clear roadmap is essential for success. During this course, Business Plan – Financial Prosperity with NLP you will have access to a collection of methods to learn how to: 

  • do proper market research to understand the industry or field you want to enter;
  • have a clear vision of your business and to correctly define the products or services you want to offer;
  • understand people’s needs to define in a realistic form the problems you want to solve;
  • surround yourself with talented and passionate people and hire the right team;
  • create a selling and marketing strategy that brings you customers;
  • understand the real needs of your business: capital, location, marketing, advertising;
  • understand the mistakes startups, small businesses, or service providers make and how to fix them to save time, money, and energy.

3 modules / 3 Weekends: Sa + Su (September – November 2024) – Munich / München

Business Plan - Financial Prosperity

"Find something you love to do, and you won't have to work ever again." Mark Twain.

As an entrepreneur or freelancer, you may not always know what your orders and income will be in a week, a month, or a year. It gets even more complicated if you have costs with rent, vehicles, accounting services, maintenance, or IT services. 

Have you ever wondered why some people are financially very prosperous, and others are always on the edge of poverty?

Your presence here indicates this concern and brings you much closer to what you want.

Being an IT specialist by profession, I quickly understood the power of models, algorithms, and optimization. This university study taught me a simple thing: if you do certain things, you get certain results.

Why not use the same principles in your own life? Do you want to suffer forever? Don’t you see examples of happy and fulfilled people on the street? What are they doing, or have they done something different from you? 

Do you want to get to that place quickly, or do you want to struggle a few years to get it right? How long does it take to read, select, and test. Is it worth researching, documenting, and informing when you can take it all in stride, quickly and efficiently?

Think about how much you make per hour. How much money will you lose with these investigations? Do you want to use your time with these inquiries, or do you want to do what you love and serve your customers? 

What if you found out there was a formula for everything you wanted?

After attending the Business Plan – Financial Prosperity with NLP (Munich / München) course, you will learn how to create your strategy to achieve your financial goals. You’ll understand the principles that attract customers, learn to manage and prioritize to eliminate anxiety, and discover marketing and sales techniques to present your products or services.

Ultimately, you’ll get to do what you love and get paid well for itS

Business Plan - Financial Prosperity

How this course helps will you:

Unsuccessful entrepreneurs or those with constant financial problems think like this:

  • money doesn’t bring happiness;
  • money changes people;
  • there’s no point in making a lot of money; you have to pay higher taxes;
  • you can’t start a business without money;
  • I don’t like managing money;
  • so many people in the market are already offering the same thing;
  • there aren’t many good opportunities left;
  • only God decides if I’m going to be poor or rich;
  • If my parents and grandparents didn’t have money, where would I get it?
  • there are not enough clients on the market.

If you have at least one of these beliefs, you definitely need to attend this course.

business plan financial prosperity NLP
business plan financial prosperity NLP

What happens if I don't attend?

Business Plan - Financial Prosperity

What happens if I don't attend?

According to many studies in the financial field, startups and small companies close 20% in the first year, 30 in the second, and 50% by year 5. 

The number one reason startups fail is not understanding the market’s needs. This type of mistake happens because the entrepreneur needs to do more market research or misinterprets customer demand. 

Cash flow challenges are a common trap. Many startups need help balancing their expenses against revenue, especially in the early stages. Effective financial planning and mindful spending are crucial for survival. The second reason startups fail is running out of funding or personal money.

Growth without establishing a sustainable business model is a frequent reason for failure. Startups need to achieve a product-market fit before scaling up. 

The inability to respond to market changes, customer feedback, or technological advancements is often a reason for failure. Successful businesses remain flexible and do not fear adjusting their products when necessary.

Sources about these numbers can be found here or here.

Business Plan - Financial Prosperity

You are in the right place!

Throughout this Business Plan – Financial Prosperity course, you will have access to a collection of methods by which you will:

New Skills

Determine what your strengths are so you can make the most of them and what your weaknesses are so you know how to overcome them.


Form a mental strategy to prosper financially, create a healthy relationship with money, and discover what successful people focus on.

Proper Preparation

Understand your business and your market and what to do so you don't launch too early or unprepared.


Understand how much influence the words have on a subconscious level so that your advertisements will always sell.

Sales Strategies

Learn the most common sales problems and learn how to create the right sales strategy to solve them.

Efficient Planning

Free yourself from the firefighter syndrome of trying to do everything simultaneously.

Business Plan - Financial Prosperity

What you will learn at the course

Because the course is complex and covers a broad spectrum, it is divided into 3 modules. Here, you will find answers about what new skills you will learn and practice. Please feel free to contact me if you need more information.

In this module, you will:

  • learn what the mindset structures of successful people are and how to apply them in your life, regardless of the field you work in;
  • understand why you want to be an entrepreneur, whether it is your true calling, and what adjustments you need to make;
  • understand what money and an actual business is;
  • learn ways to improve concentration and eliminate stress caused by lack of attention;
  • understand the psychological reasons why most people never achieve what they want;
  • practice how to increase your motivation with a simple decision and how to become efficient and productive without feeling like you are making an effort;
  • how to eliminate fear and anxiety and replace them with enthusiasm and self-confidence;
  • learn to focus your mental effort for as long as it takes or until you achieve your goals.

At the end of this module, you will realize that it is not your environment, people, or events that influence your ‘happiness’ but how you think about it all.

In this module, you will:

  • define precisely and realistically the idea behind your business;
  • learn how to do a correct market research to understand the industry or field you want to enter;
  • understand the needs and problems of your customers and begin to create the proper products or services you want to offer;
  • understand which promotion methods are the most effective for your business;
  • learn realistic pricing methods to get rid of the fear of being too cheap or too expensive;
  • analyze the strengths and weaknesses behind your products and what you need to do to differentiate yourself from your competitors;
  • understand the process by which people take buying decisions, and prepare your offers so that customers perceive the value of your products.

In this module, you will:

  • analyse which location is necessary for your activity, so that you don’t spend extra money and you will receive over 20 realistic locations in Munich / München suitable for your desired services;
  • find out how some certifications and permits may affect you and what specific measures you need to take;
  • understand how to assess your risks in order to minimise anxiety and uncertainty;
  • understand how to plan your capital, and you will create a budget and liquidity plan;
  • understand what methods you use to meet your customers’ needs and define multiple product types so you can sell consistently;
  • find out what are the main problems you might encounter in business, and what are the best strategies to get through each of these problems.

Business Plan - Financial Prosperity

Investment: 1170 Euros*

*870 Euro if you who register till the 7th of September
3 modules / 3 Weekends: Sa + Su (September - November 2024) - Munich / München

Money back guarantee: you have a 100% money-back guarantee on every module completed.

Suppose on any module completed, out of the total number of modules, you feel unsatisfied. In that case, you may request a refund on that module, and the amount paid on that module will be returned to you 100%, unconditionally. If you choose to do this, it entails terminating your participation in any other course modules remaining unattended.

The money-back-guarantee only applies to one module at a time, not all modules already taken, and where no money-back claim has been made. Once a course’s module has been completed and you decide to attend the next one, the previous module is considered to be out of the guarantee, and the money-back guarantee applies only to future modules. Attending the next module indicates you were completely satisfied with the previous module.

Business Plan - Financial Prosperity

Join now!

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email with all the necessary details. If you have any additional questions, please write to

Business Plan - Financial Prosperity

Secure your spot now and invest in your future success.

When does the course take place:

Because it is complex and covers such a broad spectrum, the 3 modules from the course will be held over 6 days during weekends(Saturdays and Sundays).

Course material:

You will receive the "Business Plan" course material for each module in printed and digital formats. This dual approach ensures you have all the tools you need to succeed in your learning journey.

What Previous Knowledge is Required

The good news is that no prior learning knowledge or experience is essential to take this course. This training is open to anyone wishing to improve their finacial life.

Business Plan - Financial Prosperity


By enrolling in this course, you expressly agree to take full responsibility for how you intend to apply the concepts presented. This product is in no way a substitute for the assessment or advice of a certified financial professional. This course is a personal development course for general information purposes only. No guarantees of any kind for the efficacy of the concepts presented are included with its purchase. There is no legal liability regarding how you apply this information.

Business Plan