Once my client understood where he stood in his financial area, he made the changes and achieved his desired results. This fact motivated him to know more, and he asked …
Are you ready to take an X-ray of your romantic relationship? (part 2)
However, if you want different things and move to the superior level, you must be prepared to do everything differently. This description helped my client because after he understood the evolutionary stages and …
I wish I had known these things about money ten years ago. (part 1)
What would it be like if you knew exactly why you don’t have more money, are sick, or are not yet in the romantic relationship you want?
Is it possible to always smile in the morning?
Have you tried waking up in the middle of the night? Or did you even think about it?
Everyone has a job and a profession, and we must get up in the morning. Some at 8, some at 7, some at 6, and some even at 5.
Self Love – The 7 Rules of Success
A few days ago, one of my friends shared this famous quote from Charles Kingsley (12 June 1819 – 23 January 1875), a renowned University professor and priest of the Church of England…
How can a “NOT TO DO” list improve your life
A while ago, one of my boys asked me, “Why do adults drink coffee?” It was an excellent question because I have long wondered the same thing as a child. As a child or teenager …
Is it possible for a “Ministry of Happiness” to exist?
Some measure how good a year was by how much has happened in their private life or career. Others measure their achievements: what they bought, where they …
The importance of words! Why is it essential to have a generous vocabulary?
Do you know that something simple as the right choice of words, can significantly determine the outcome of your life? Imagine knowing only three terms for something as simple as …
How often do you lie?
“How often do you lie, and what do you do when someone lies to you?”
Excellent topic, huh? Would it be helpful for you to see the benefits behind the …
Anchoring – The NLP Method that puts you in advantage
What if, before an important meeting or an interview, you had a state of curiosity, calm, and quietness and started full of confidence? Do you think it’s possible?