“How often do you lie, and what do you do when someone lies to you?”
Excellent topic, huh? Would it be helpful for you to see the benefits behind the …
Anchoring – The NLP Method that puts you in advantage
What if, before an important meeting or an interview, you had a state of curiosity, calm, and quietness and started full of confidence? Do you think it’s possible?
Productivity Method – The 100% Principle
Some of you may already know, and others will know now that I got German citizenship last year. Because the Corona regulations didn’t permit organizing any festivities the previous year, the welcoming event (Neubürgerempfang) was postponed for this year. On this occasion …
The power of reframing – how to find the positive in every situation!
I know many people who believe in luck, and I must admit I was one of those for a long time. I remember how I used to write that red and white ticket every week and go to the lottery. I was hoping …
How to learn faster and eliminate frustration when learning?
A few years ago, I had no idea everything in our life is a process. It wasn’t that I was messy or disorganized; I expected results much faster, and I was very frustrated when I didn’t get them. I did not know …
How to make decisions by understanding your value system.
Imagine that you have a dilemma, or some situations are nagging at you, and you can’t find an answer. After identifying and being aware of your value system, you will delete the word regrets from your vocabulary.
The Disney Strategy: Do you believe that a tiny mouse can change your life?
There was a time when I was afraid to dream or dream big, as some might say. Why was I afraid? The answer is …
Self-sabotage: what’s behind and how to finally get over it!
For many years I had a problem: I worked really hard to achieve my goals, and right before reaching them …
Persistence beats talent every time – the rule of 1%
Do you have a dream? I mean, do you have a HUGE dream?
Do you have something that inspires you? Do you have …
How to gain more time and get instant clarity!
As you may already know, I go hiking quite frequently, almost every week, I might say. During these trips …