Can 1 Euro be more valuable than 2 Euros? Yes, it can. Hard to believe, but it can.
When exactly?
When we differentiate intelligence from wisdom …
How can a “NOT TO DO” list improve your life
A while ago, one of my boys asked me, “Why do adults drink coffee?” It was an excellent question because I have long wondered the same thing as a child. As a child or teenager …
Is it possible for a “Ministry of Happiness” to exist?
Some measure how good a year was by how much has happened in their private life or career. Others measure their achievements: what they bought, where they …
Anchoring – The NLP Method that puts you in advantage
What if, before an important meeting or an interview, you had a state of curiosity, calm, and quietness and started full of confidence? Do you think it’s possible?
Productivity Method – The 100% Principle
Some of you may already know, and others will know now that I got German citizenship last year. Because the Corona regulations didn’t permit organizing any festivities the previous year, the welcoming event (Neubürgerempfang) was postponed for this year. On this occasion …
The Disney Strategy: Do you believe that a tiny mouse can change your life?
There was a time when I was afraid to dream or dream big, as some might say. Why was I afraid? The answer is …
Self-sabotage: what’s behind and how to finally get over it!
For many years I had a problem: I worked really hard to achieve my goals, and right before reaching them …
Persistence beats talent every time – the rule of 1%
Do you have a dream? I mean, do you have a HUGE dream?
Do you have something that inspires you? Do you have …